Cross-disciplinary Approaches to the Fukushima Disaster
March 12, 2025, 9:45 – 17:00
University of Bristol
Venue: Room G.H01,
Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road,
BS8 1TB, Clifton Campus
9:45–10:00 Registration for in-person attendees
Morning Session
10:00–10:10 Welcome by Benedetta Lomi (University of Bristol)
10:15-11:55 Panel 1. Religion and Spirituality in Times of Crisis
- Levi McLaughlin (North Carolina State University) “What Determines When a Disaster Ends? Ways 3.11 is Articulated by Religious Activists”
- Erica Baffelli (University of Manchester) “Whose Crisis? Response Networks, Calamities, and Enduring Precarities” Erica Baffelli (University of Manchester)
- Tim Graf (University of Manchester) “Temporalities of Ritualised Prayer in Post-disaster Japan”
11:25-11:55 Q&A and discussion
12:00–13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Sessions
13:15–14:45 Panel 2. Representing Environmental and Human Impact in Documentaries and Films
- Élise Domenach (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière) “From the “Tohoku Trilogy” to the “Ecocriticism Trilogy”: The Environmental and Human Impact in Hamaguchi’s Cinema”
- Rayna Denison (University of Bristol) “Echoes Resounding through Closed and Open Doors: Time, Place and Sound in Makoto Shinkai’s Disaster Trilogy”
- Keiko Courdy (Independent Artist and Filmmaker) “Beyond Fukushima/3.11. Documentary as an Art of Healing”
14:25-14:55 Q&A and discussion
15:00–15:15 Tea Break
15:15–16:45 Panel 3. The Role of the Arts in Healing and Memory
- Clélia Zernik (Beaux-arts de Paris, PSL) “Reweaving the Visible and Invisible After the Disaster: Post-Fukushima Artists”
- Hatakeyama Naoya (Photographer) “Biographical Landscapes”
- Takeuchi Kota (Artist). “Stone, Balloon, or the Homeless Archive”
16:20-16:45 Q&A and Discussion
The workshop is free and open to the public. Attendees can join in person or online.
- To register for online attendance via Zoom please click here, and you will receive a link to join the event.
- For in-person participation, please use this form to register.